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Monday, June 1, 2020

How to Make a Daikins Solution?

What is a Daikin's solution? It is a disinfecting solution used to clean or disinfect wounds. Today a formulation of this is being use to disinfect shoes, medical equipments and surfaces. So the question how to prepare the solution? Here are the steps
1. Secure a sodium hypochlorite(in the local setting ie Zonrox)
2. Buy 1liter of  sterile water it can be plain saline or sterile mineral water (Wilkins, absolute, Summit)
3. Get a measuring cup or syringe. Measure 15cc of sodium hypochlorite. 
4. Remove 15cc of sterile water and replace with the 15cc of Zonrox.
5. Youve made a Daikin's solution 

Warning: Effectivity of the solution  may last up to 24 hours only.

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