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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Skin Anatomy

Welcome to the real world of medicine!

vascular nail bed= gauge of the oxygenation of the blood
nailbed epithelium inferior to it is phalanx bone

distal free edge of the nailplate is the hyponychium, continuous to nailbed proximally and distally to volar skin.

Sebaceous gland

simple branch acinar gland , assoc with sebum holocrine secretion controlled by androgen hormones no innervation
Excessive sebum causes clogging if hair folilcles and provides food for acne causing bacteria

Eccrine Glands
by merocrine secretion functions for thermoregulation
simple coiled tubula gland

two types of secretory cells
Dark cell-broader towards the lumen, ribosomes,secretory granules->protein rich component
Clear cells- broader toward the periphery-> eatery, glycogen
aldosterone-hormone from adrenal gland ->sodium, chloride and water reabsorbed
direct to the surface
cholinergiuc innervation-thermoregulatory sweating in the head and scalp
adrenergic -emotional sweating in the palms and soles
Apocrine Glands
simple coiled tubular glands
confined only to axillae, mons pubis and circumanal produce slightly viscous secretion
open via hair follicle except in the eyelid, axillia and external where the open directly into the surface
act as pheromone in animals sterile and odorless unless acted upon by bacteria
by merocrine secretion adrenergic innervation
function at the onset of puberty potential cause of body odor.